Thursday, January 21, 2010

Disneyland for a 2 year old.

Just looked up online all the height requirements. Turns out my child can go on almost everything! She is so excited and I think I am just as excited as she. She is going to love everything, it is going to be such an amazing experience to take her there.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa...Ho Ho.. oh no!!!

Who doesn't like Santa Clause? My daughter loves him...except when you set her on his lap! That's right...there we were, standing in kine for an hour my daughter so excited about seeing Santa. Unfortunately when it was our turn she was in complete distress! Oh what a sight it was...a screaming 2 year old, scared half to death. So after trying for about 5 min to calm her down then while sitting with Santa, we finally gave up. We walked away and what does she say..."where is Santa?" She is immediately we decide to attempt it again the next day. Yeah, the second day was just as bad...apparently Santa is really cool and nice from a distance, but that's it. We ended up getting a picture with her screaming :-) I am sure she will like Santa much better next year, so this will be a great memory....Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mommy is a Surgeon???

Yes, I am a surgeon...even though I have no medical experience whatsoever, or attended 11 years of rigorous training. None of that matters, I am a least my daughter thinks so.

Poor Minnie mouse. My daughter was trying to pull Minnie out of her crib and well...Minnie lost her bow. Oh dear whatever shall we do! Well I dug out my needle and thread and began to work on the patient. I put the bow on backwards but only I noticed that. When I gave Minnie back to her she screamed.."mommy you fix!"

Here is the funny part: When daddy came home I told him that I just had to preform surgery on Minnie. Then my daughter chimed in "Yeah, Minnie head came off!".We had a great laugh over that comment. Her broken speech (b/c she is only 2) makes it even more enjoyable.

Well, that is tonight's occupation wonder what the next one will be...I'm glad I can be anything she needs me to be.